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Tamil ​​History- 14 Billion BCE to 1 BCE


14 Billion BC

-The earth formed from huge explosion.


6 - 4 billion BC

-The formation of the Earth.


2.5 billion BCE

-The period of rocks formation on the land. The human race first formed in Tamil Nadu. -The first human race formed in Lemuria continent, southern Kumari continent.


70,000 BC

-The human race was wandering around the areas which are Tamil Nadu and Punjab of modern India.


360,000 BC

-Homo erectus in China brought the fire under control for the first time.


300,000 BC

-Homo people were wandering around Asia and Africa.


100,000 BC

-Humans (with the brain size of modern human) lived in East Africa.


75,000 BC

-The Last Ice Age. The world's human population is 1.7 million.


50,000 BC

-The origin of Tamil Language.


50,000 – 35,000 BC

-The separation of Chinese Language group from Tamil Language.


35,000 – 20,000 BC

-The period of Australian and African languages separation from Tamil Language.


20,000 – 10,000 BC

-The period of Indo-European language separation from Tamil language.


10,527 BC

-Pandya King Kaaikinavaluthi founded the first Tamil society. There were 4,449 poets.


10,000 BC

-The Last Ice Age ended. The world’s human population was 4 million. Kumari continent Tamil people population was 100,000.


6,087 BC

-Kumari continent immersed into the sea due turbulence.


5,000 BC

-The world's human population was 5 million. The beginning of Indus Valley Civilization. Mohanja-Daro & Harappa.


4,000 BC

-Indus Valley Civilization population was 1 million.


3,113 BC

-The beginning of Mayan Calanedar of Mayans (American Tamils).


3,102 BC

-The beginning of ‘Kali’ years of Indus Valley Tamils. The era of prosperous Tamil civilisation in the valley.


3,100 – 3,000 BC

-Aryans entered the Indus Valley.


2,600 BC

-The beginning of work on the Egyptian pyramids.


2,387 BC

-Second ocean turbulence. Lanka was separated from the mainland India.


2,000 – 1,000 BC

-The era of war between Aryans and Dravidians in Indus Valley.


1,900 BC

-End of Vedic age. People moved towards River Ganges since drought in River Saraswathy.


1450 BC

-Upanichads and Vedas were made.


1316 BC

-Mahabharatha was written by Sage Vashista.


1250 BC

-Moses led 600,000 Jews out of Egypt.


1000 BC

-The world's human population was 50 million.


950 BC

-The Jews travelled by King Solomon’s trade ships to the area of modern India.


950 BC

-Development period of Northern Indian spoken language.


925 BC

-Jewish King David was ruling Israel and Lebanon.


After 850 BC

-Tamil is common language in the land of modern India. Tamil language divided into Brahmi (Northern Tamil) and Tamili (Southern Tamil).


776 BC

-First Olympic Games in Greece.


623 - 543 BC

-Age of Gautama Buddha, he was born in the state of Uttar Pradesh.


551-478 BC

-Age of Confucius. His social and religious educations were the base of Chinese education.


500 BC

-World’s human population was 100 million. India’s population was 25 million.


450 BC

-Golden age of Socrates in Athens.


G. BC. 428 - 348

-Age of Pluto, Socrates’ disciple.


326 BC

-Invasion of Indus Valley by Alexander the Great but lost.


300 BC

-Chinese invented trading steel.


273-232 BC

-Age of Mauriya King Ashoka.


221 BC

-The Great Wall of China was built.


31 BC

The birth of Thiruvalluvar.


4 BC – 1 AD

The birth of Jesus Christ. 




Now, over to the Indians. As I said, the Indian (and Arab) traders and merchants first came here more than 500 years ago and even brought Islam to this country. But the ‘other’ Indians, the workers, came at about the time that Yap Ah Loy and Raja Abdullah were turning Kuala Lumpur into a thriving metropolis.


At that time, the British planters were in Ceylon (Sri Lanka today) growing cocoa. Then a plant disease spread throughout the island and all the trees died. But this disease not only killed all the trees but contaminated the land as well. This means the land was now useless and it was not a matter of just replanting.


Then the British looked at Malaya and decided that the conditions (land, climate, etc.) in Malaya were the same as in Ceylon. So they relocated their cocoa estates to Malaya. But there was no way they could get the Malays to work these cocoa estates. Furthermore, the Ceylonese workers were well trained and had been doing this work for years.


So, in the mid-1800s, the British brought the now unemployed Ceylonese cocoa workers to this country to work the Malayan cocoa plantations.


Then disaster struck. Brazil over-planted cocoa and this triggered a worldwide glut. It was no longer economical to plant cocoa. The price you would fetch for your cocoa was lower than your production cost. The British had no choice but to close down the cocoa plantations.


Around that time, the British, who had mischievously smuggled rubber seeds out of Brazil (which was a crime then), successfully grew rubber trees in the Kew Gardens in London. They also did some research and discovered a better way of planting rubber trees where the trees would give a better yield compared to the trees in Brazil. Rubber planting in Brazil was haphazard and not properly organized.


Since Malaya had to close down all its cocoa plantations and it now had idle plantation land and surplus Ceylonese workers, the British planters decided to switch over to rubber. And because the British took advantage of research and technology, the Malayan rubber trees were more productive and profitable. Eventually, Malaya dislodged Brazil as the top rubber producer in the world.


So, from the mid-1800s to around 1920, Indians and Chinese came to Malaya in great numbers. This was more or less the second wave of mass migration. And it was for economic reasons and to provide the labour for jobs that the Malays would never do. But there were earlier and other migrations as well.


For example, around the late 1800s and early 1900s, the British set up English medium schools for Malays. One such school, the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, was a school exclusive for sons of Royalty and the Malay elite. Invariably, they needed schoolteachers who were proficient in the English language. And India offered a good source of English medium schoolteachers (Malays could not speak English yet at that time).


On the commercial side, there were many Indian businesses, workers and whatnot. But there was no way they could qualify for loans from British owned banks. So the Indians from the Chettiar community came here to set up money-lending businesses to service their community.


Source :

History Text Book(Form3)

Origins Of Indian in Malaysia

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